Posted on:
Saturday, February 16, 2019
To my extended Ferrone family, I wanted to share my condolences on your loss of a wonderful woman. I met Mrs. Ferrone when I was 8 years old and became lifelong friends with Patrick. She always treated me as another son and was always quick to feed me (as was Mr. Ferrone!). Over the years, she became good friends with my Mom and Stepdad and had lots of laughs with them while Pat and I were goofing off in the basement. As I grew into an adult, Mrs. Ferrone always kept her sense of humor and made me laugh whenever I saw her. She did well as her beautiful family has continued that sense of love and laughter throughout the years. We will miss you Mrs. Ferrone and our thoughts will be with you for a long, long time. Much love to all, Scott Radous
Posted by:
Terry MarcolineGod
Posted on:
Saturday, February 16, 2019
God Bless Carol and all my cousins! I will steal a line that my sister uses...Until We Meet Again! Terry
Posted on:
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The McAvene Families in San Diego, Santa Barbara, Las Vegas, & Dallas send their sincere condolences, along with prayers and love to all of you. "Rest in peace Carol." xoxo
Posted by:
Terry Marcoline
Posted on:
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Jimmy and very sorry for the loss. One of my favorite memories was the time that all the cousins got together at our south side cottage. We played hard all day long and had so much fun that I shit my pants and continued playing...I wasn't going to miss any of the action. Terry did you poop in your pants? Of course not! But after a while even I couldn't stand it, and left the group to make the needed change...Those were the days! The same day, Big Jack jumping from roof to roof, landed hard, and penetrated half way through the roof of the dilapidated barn buildings that were on our property. I wish we had a photo of that! I hate hearing about my dear cousins leaving the planet, but it just reminds us to live every moment. Cousin Terry
Posted by:
Marilyn, Richard and family
Posted on:
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
My dear cousins my prayers and thoughts are with each one of you. I have great memories of Carol and I will always cherish the family times we all shared the laughter and the tears. Love and Hugs, Marilyn Susie
Posted on:
Monday, February 11, 2019
Dearest Joanne and sibs, so very sorry for your loss. This is such a difficult time for you guys. Stay close, speak about how you are feeling. We so understand what you are going through. Be kind to yourselves. Grieving is a process not an event. Deepest condolences.