Home Visitations


Sally Chiordi

Visitation Date: Sunday, July 28, 2019
Visitation Time: 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
Funeral Date: Monday, July 29th, 2019
Funeral Time: 9:30 am
Place of Funeral: St. Walter Church
Funeral Notes: Prayers and final viewing will begin at 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning at the Funeral Home.
Interment: Queen of Heaven Cemetery

Sally Chiordi nee: Ziccarelli; Beloved wife of the late Chester; Devoted mother of Julie (Peter) Cesaroni and Linda (Greg) Kelm; Adored sister of 7; Loving Nonna of Stephanie Cesaroni, Nicholas (Katelyn) and Steve Kelm; Dear aunt of many nieces and nephews.
Funeral Monday 8:30 a.m. from Salerno’s Rosedale Chapels, 450 W. Lake Street, Roselle, 60172 (3/4 mile west of Bloomingdale/Roselle Rd. to St. Walter Church, Mass 9:30 a.m. Interment Queen of Heaven Cemetery. Visitation Sunday 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. For info 630-889-1700 or www.salernofuneralhomes.com

Funeral Home

Salerno's Rosedale Chapels

Phone: (630) 889-1700
Address: 450 W. Lake Street Roselle IL, 60172

Church Details

St. Walter Church

Phone: (630) 894-2461
Address: 130 W Pine Ave. Roselle Illinois, 60172
Website: stwalterchurch.com
Service Date: July 29th 2019
Funeral Time: 9:30 am

Interment Details

Queen of Heaven Cemetery

Phone: (708) 449-8300
Address: 1400 S Wolf Rd. Hillside IL , 60162


Posted by:
Sherry & Brian Kelm

Posted on:
Saturday, July 27, 2019

Our deepest sympathies to Sally's extensive family. So many fond memories of time spent with her and Chester from the moment we learned that Linda and Greg would be getting married. The Chiordi's opened their home and hearts to our family and included us as though we were their own children! Sally was full of love and life. A bright smile and infectious laughter. Best mother and Nonna that anyone could ask for. We will have her in our hearts and in our minds forever... She is amongst the other angels now.