Home Visitations


Dr. Arnaldo R. Torres

Visitation Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Visitation Time: 3:00-9:00 p.m. at Salerno's Rosedale
Funeral Date: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Funeral Time: 8:00 pm
Place of Funeral: Chapel Service at Salerno's Rosedale Chapels
Interment: Private

In Memoriam
Arnaldo Rafael Torres, MD
1 May 2024

With profound pain, but an abiding sense of privilege, I join the exequys for Dr. Arnaldo Torres, my colleague and long-time friend who was called to eternity on 26 April 2024, in hopes of calling attention to his life and death by these insufficient words – a death harsh, tumultuous, and untimely but a life exemplary in myriad ways. Close to him at his passing were Sandra, his loving wife of nearly 40 years, and a small number of close-by family and friends. But for the circumstantial unexpectedness, his death would have occurred in the company of innumerable family and friends, Arnaldo being so well-loved by so many. May he be remembered always as the sunshine he represented to all those around him.

He was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1961. He received his education, both undergraduate and medical, at the University of Puerto Rico in Rio Piedras and launched his career in the residency program for obstetrics and gynecology at the University’s Medical Center. He met Sandra, the love of his life, in 1985, and they were married in 1988. A daughter, Ashley, arrived in 1991, a son, Giancarlo, in 1994. His professional career began in San Juan and soon transferred to a position as Attending Physician at the Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, Illinois, the Institution to which he loyally devoted over four decades of his life. The most recent joy of his life came with the arrival of a grand-daughter, Lily, in 2021, who promptly became the apple of Glanpa’s eye. How tragic that this nascent relationship would become so prematurely and so swiftly truncated! Arnaldo obtained all the hoped-for credentials (licensures, board certifications) that excellent medical practitioners aspire to and expect. He joined a prestigious group of obstetricians and gynecologists in the Western suburbs of Chicago and soon became one of their most senior and respected members. He was exceedingly esteemed and sought after by the overwhelming core of the medical staff at Central DuPage. He was not only one of the principal “go-to” gynecologists, but he was seen by so very many as a true friend, consultant, and confidant. The foundation for this attitude of trust in Arnaldo by so many, was simply the loyalty that he projected – not only to the Institution but toward all his colleagues. And he was not only a medically gifted, responsible, and loyal colleague to them; he was their friend in every true sense of the word: generosity, affection, integrity, disinterestedness, cooperativeness, solicitousness – in brief, heart-felt concern for their well-being and interests. I can simply say, succinctly, that these were Arnaldo’s “bench-mark” characteristics: loyalty and true friendship. He was a superb clinician, a fine mentor to his younger partners, well read and with a great deposit of medical knowledge, a fine and skilled surgeon, and perhaps as importantly he had a
great capacity for devotion and generosity to the women he cared for and to the medical staff assisting him. I have personally always cherished the memories of the dozens of patients Arnaldo and I attended to and performed surgery on. In his Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas observed that the perfection of order is governed by the attention devoted to the very small details (that’s right, it was St.Thomas who said it, not the devil and not John F Kennedy). Arnaldo was probably not well versed in St. Thomas, but the strength, integrity, quality, and proficiency of his work was based on these small basic details. And all these small details devoted to applying medical skills were somehow amalgamated by an abiding sense of service to his patients. While Arnaldo was not overwhelmingly religious, at least in his outward demeanor, he certainly lived a life and practiced a profession in ways befitting a follower of Jesus Christ – characteristically a sense of service and love for his family, his friends, his co-workers, his patients. For many years he did pro-bono work for the Access DuPage program, caring for the indigent patients who sought medical care at his Institution. He was always amiable, hopeful, charitable, and just. If we consider the virtue of justice as an appreciation of the presence of Christ in others, I believe Arnaldo had the internal vision and capacity to align his life and his work with the esteemed tenets of his Christian faith. Arnaldo leaves behind a large family: Sandra, his loving wife who would have been celebrating with him their 36th anniversary in a few days; Ashley, his beloved daughter whom he would have led to the altar of matrimony in 4 months; Giancarlo, the son who is father to grand-daughter Lily; Rosa Nilda, his mother, and the memory of Roberto, his deceased father; his brothers Roberto (deceased), Jose Juan, Hector, and Walter; his father-and-mother-in-law Ruben and Mirna Miranda; his sisters-and-brother-in-law Marga-Mari, Sylmarie, Hector, and Viviana. He will be missed by all others in the extended family and by so many of us close friends! With sincere condolences and heart-felt sympathy, we join Arnaldo’s family in the conviction that he has now passed on to perpetual reward and eternal peace. And to the joyful reunion with his father and brother.

Funeral Home

Salerno's Rosedale Chapels

Phone: (630) 889-1700
Address: 450 W. Lake Street Roselle IL, 60172

Church Details

Chapel Service at Salerno's Rosedale Chapels

Phone: (630) 889-1700
Address: 450 W. Lake St. Roselle Illinois, 60172
Service Date: May 1st 2024
Funeral Time: 8:00 pm

Interment Details



Posted by:
S. Henry

Posted on:
Thursday, June 20, 2024

I just learned today of Dr. Torres’ passing. He was my doctor for many years and performed one of my most important surgeries. He was such a kind and caring physician and I trusted him. He was in the room right before my granddaughter was born and it touched my heart to know he was a part of the team. Dr. Torres left a positive imprint on my life and I am grateful to have had him care for my health with such care and compassion. I wish to extend my condolences to his family and to say thank you for sharing such a wonderful human with the rest of us.

Posted by:
Dr Abdel and Farrah Fahmy

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

I first met Dr Torres as his patient, but he quickly became a forever friend! We were blessed to have him with us during my miscarriage but thankfully soon after he delivered both of our beautiful daughters. He was sympathetic, empathetic and a grade A+ physician who should have moonlighted as a plastic surgeon too because even after 2 back to back C sections, I hardly even have a visible scar. A true surgical magician! I always enjoyed our comedic banter during my appointments. We all shared the same belief system so much in fact that sometimes he and my hubby would talk politics and business and forget all about me, the patient (wink) He is the only Dr I trusted with my care (besides for my husband) and sadly only learned this devastating news today when I attempted to schedule an appointment with him again years after my last baby’s birth. My husband has expressed how grateful he is for the care Dr Torres gave me and for bringing his children into the world. I can only offer these memories to hopefully give a fleeting smile or moment of peace to his family who are hurting immensely. Your husband, Dad, Brother, Uncle etc meant a lot to us too and we stand in solidarity with your grief and disbelief. Our love and sincerest condolences.

Posted by:
Katherine Warren

Posted on:
Monday, May 13, 2024

I was a patient of Dr. Torres for years. I just found out today of this very sad news. I am so sorry for the loss of Dr. Torres. My sincere condolences to the entire family. What a terrible loss!! May he rest in peace.

Posted by:

Posted on:
Monday, May 6, 2024

Dear Torres Family, We were deeply saddened to learn about the passing of Dr. Arnaldo Torres. Our heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family during this difficult time. Dr. Torres was not just a fellow student, but also a cherished member of our medical school community. His absence will be deeply felt by all who were touched by his kindness, intellect, and unwavering commitment to helping others. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find solace in the fond memories you shared with him, and may the love and support of friends and family provide you with strength during this challenging time. With heartfelt condolences, Medicina 85

Posted by:
Terri Pheanis

Posted on:
Thursday, May 2, 2024

So many beautiful memories were shared at Arnaldo's visitation! I pray the family will feel strength from the love they have around them. I have been thinking of what to share and the memory of working with him on 9/11 that infamous year came to the top. I think that day I saw the leader that he was as I was in charge of the L/D unit that had rooms full of laboring moms. We first learned of the unfolding news from Dr Torres and all day he kept us informed. The staff had concerns about their own loved ones as well as the country and still had to care for patients. He was around with hugs and support in any way he could for all! And he still managed to bring joy into each delivery of a baby that day! I don't know if I thanked him enough but I will never forget! Dr. Torres lived a passionate life and he was a true patriot. He was not afraid to give his honest opinions but he would listen to yours as well. Dr Torres loved all people and he just wanted the best for them! He worked hard but he enjoyed his life! I will miss you my friend!

Posted by:

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Gradution Picture, 1985, UPR School of Medicine.

Posted by:

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Some debate life is not measured by time but by moments some are big most are small whenever you shared a moment with him the moment was big...you will be missed more than you could possibly imagine. We started out going toe to toe but became smooth like butter. To Sandy, Ashley and GianCarlo the last conversation he and I had included all of you please believe me you all were his heart and Soul. GianCarlo I believe you gave him one of his most favorite gifts "LILY"every story, photo or video he shared of her put a smile on his face that could rival the sun! My condolences to the entire family on such a heart breaking loss.... Arnaldo rest well and keep heaven blazing with all your passion! Ps. Tell Ed I say hi! Love, Mabes

Posted by:
Carlitos y Michelle Pascual

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Posted by:
Lilly Moon

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Sandra, Ashley, Giancarlo and Families: While I haven't met you, my heart is so heavy for our loss. Having worked decades with Arnaldo (as an Anesthesiologist), we had many conversations about life, tennis, and complementary medicine (I studied Acupuncture). He was looking forward to his close retirement and spending time with his dear granddaughter Lily (whom I imagined Giancarlo name after ME! Ha). I loved his willingness to share his passions, as we volleyed back and forth discussing our opinions. Ray would chime in once in a while, as Arnaldo spoke with conviction. When we shared an obstetric case together, I could count on excellent communication, and care for our patient. Colleagues like him will be sorely missed. Rest in Peace Arnaldo.........you are in God's hands............Lilly Moon

Posted by:
Sandy Heraty

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

He always had a kind word and brought a smile to everyone's face. A real joy to work with, I will have many fond memories. RIP Arnaldo

Posted by:
Jennifer Moore

Posted on:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

To the Torres Family: I am so deeply saddened and still in disbelief since learning about the death of Dr. Torres. I've worked in Labor and Delivery with Dr. Torres for 24 years. He has been my colleague; my counselor; my confidante; and my friend. Every time I saw him at work- he'd greet my by saying "Jen Jen!" and ask me about my son or my family or anything else that he knew I was dealing with. And he remembered every detail of conversations we may have had a week or a month or a year or ten years ago....even if there were things I wished he'd forget! He treated me with such respect and has always provided true support towards me. He cared so much about people, anyone he interacted with would know that about him. I will miss him so much. I will miss his friendship; his humor; his intense knowledge and discussions of worldly events; his persistence and passion for what he believed in; but mostly I will miss his laughter and his presence around us. This is a very difficult situation for those of us who worked alongside him. I cannot imagine what you, the family, are going through. He loved you all so much and spoke of you with such pride. He was so happy being a Glanpa. He was taken from this world far too soon. I will miss you, Dr. Torres.

Posted by:
Maricar Virina

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dr. Torres was truly amazing. I went to grade school with Ashley a long time ago. Years later, he ran into my parents and volunteered to take me in for a week without any hesitation. He wanted me to shadow him at work when he found out I wanted to pursuing his field. I followed him at his office and got to see how much his patients LOVED him and how happy he was to see the kids he delivered grow up! My love for OB/GYN grew stronger just by watching him work, laugh, and play in his office. He was pure light. The highlight was when I saw my first c-section with Dr. Torres - it was the exact moment I decided to be an OB/GYN myself. I think about that moment ALL the time. I wish I expressed to him how special and momentous that act of generosity of his time completely changed my life and my career. So many things brought me to OB/GYN, but he was no doubt a huge part of it. He inspired me, and he will be truly missed.

Posted by:
Hollie Kohl

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

We are so sorry to hear about the loss of Arnoldo. He was a great father, husband, doctor and friend. I wish we could be there tomorrow to be there with you all. Please know our thoughts and prayers will be with you all at this difficult time. This is a life cut way too short. We love you all.

Posted by:
Marygrace Elson

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Even as I write this, I have trouble comprehending that my former colleague has passed away. I practiced with Arnaldo for a decade at the Glen Ellyn Clinic and although I moved away twenty plus years ago I remember the twinkle in his eye and his sense of humor. Arnaldo’s love and respect for his family was obvious at all times- such a proud papa. He was dedicated to his patients, clinically skilled, and loyal to his colleagues. His passion and purpose will be remembered. Sandra, Ashley and Giancarlo, I’m holding you up in prayer.

Posted by:
Jami VandeWoestyne

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dear Torres Family, I was shocked and saddened to hear about Dr. Torres this past weekend. Many of us learned of his untimely passing while at work. We were able to comfort each other and share memories in the wake of this news this past Saturday. I've been nurse on Labor & Delivery for 13 years and have worked with Dr. Torres in many capacities. His voice was loud and booming; his stories were memorable. He had a way of sharing his life and also had a genuine interest in the people around him. He loved a good argument or a feisty debate. He could also be silly and fun...and I will mostly remember chatting with him about travel, kids, his grandchild, Puerto Rico, and his family. He was a team player. I observed him helping, supporting and mentoring his younger colleagues. He sat near the front desk chiming in, joking, making comments, giving opinions - he made his presence known. I could see how he thrived off of the environment and the family-like atmosphere in which we work (as we all do). One of my favorite memories was seeing him and Dr. Sanchez dancing at Elena's daughter's quincenera. His lifelong friendship with Dr. Sanchez touched all of us and was testament to his loyalty. He will be missed and my hope is that his family knows about the many lives he touched at CDH. Cheers to Dr. Torres, rest in peace. Sincerely, Jami VandeWoestyne

Posted by:
Joan DiPiero

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Our dearest backyard neighbor, Super Bowl stalwart and favorite Arlington Park handicapper: you made our lives richer through your laughter, passion and genuine love of life. Thank you for wholeheartedly sharing yourself with our family. You were Mary Therese's tio, Tony's sounding board and Vince's Cubs-Sox nemisis. What joy you found in everything you did! Memories of your smile, your wit and your laugh will sustain us. While our hearts are heavy and we share the pain of your lose with Sandra, Ashley and Giancarlo, your light will never fade.

Posted by:

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dear Ashley, Your family in thoracic cannot begin to understand your family’s loss. However, knowing you, and your incredible talent, commitment, and compassion, it is clear you come from great parenting. Our hearts, our heavy thinking about what you are going through, and we are all desperate to support you and your family in any way we can. Daniel J. Boffa, MD, MBA Professor & Chief Division of Thoracic Surgery Yale School of Medicine

Posted by:
Samantha Bunyindee

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I was shocked to hear of Dr Torres’ death. My condolences and prayers are with his families . I have been an OB GYNE coder for NM for a very long times and Dr Torres was wonderful in responding to my staffing messaging and my emails on whatever I needed to complete my daily work. I talked to him several time and he sound so nice and very helpful to me. Dr Torres you will be miss by so many. RIP

Posted by:
Patricia Adesso

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

I was so deeply saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of Dr. Torres. He holds a very special place in my heart and the Adesso family grieves with you. Our Gabby, my granddaughter, would not be with us today if not for Arnaldo’s quick response during Lyndsay’s emergency delivery fourteen years ago. At only 25 weeks and one pound eight ounces, he brought her into the world quickly and safely and handed her over to the wonderful NICU docs and nurses at CDH. Dr. Torres also found the best specialist for me and for one of my children when we both faced a cancer challenge. He was not only a wonderful doctor, he was also kind, funny and a very good man…his life a true blessing to so many. Sandra, Ashley and Giancarlo…you are all in my heart and prayers. Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Posted by:
Rafael & Mayra Sánchez

Posted on:
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Reciban nuestras sinceras condolencias en este momento tan inesperado. Que Dios les de la fortaleza para juntos como familia reciban consuelo.

Posted by:
Alwyn and Jackie Santos

Posted on:
Monday, April 29, 2024

Our heart bleeds with the Torres family for the loss of a wonderful person. Our prayers are with you for Arnaldo’s swift journey to his maker and for strength for his bereaved family. Our sincere condolence.

Posted by:
Jessica Banaszek

Posted on:
Monday, April 29, 2024

I have been an OB tech at CDH for 24 years. I will miss Dr. Torres and the color he brought to our unit. Labor and delivery will surely not be the same. Peace to his family and friends.

Posted by:
Armida Redpath

Posted on:
Monday, April 29, 2024

Myself and my family were very sadden to hear of Dr. Torres passing. Myself personally have known the family very long. I met them while their children were at St. Isidore school. Our prayers for the family. May he find the eternal light. Mrs. Armida Redpath & Familia

Posted by:
Jeff Loughead

Posted on:
Monday, April 29, 2024

I was shocked and greatly saddened to learn of Arnaldo's passing. I am a neonatologist at CDH we have had many a conversations about a whole range of topics from medicine, to politics to his love or baseball and the White Sox. He was always thoughtful and full of passion and I truly enjoyed his perspective. He was a great OB and he could always be counted to help at any time of day or night. He will be missed by many of here at CDH and in the community.